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Category: Publications

The Intersection of Health, Drug Use, and Imprisonment in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

This report examines the intertwined challenges of drug use and imprisonment and their effect on health outcomes in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA), with a specific focus on people
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Guiding principles towards effective and humane drug policies in Eastern and Central Europe and Central Asia

The region of Eastern and Central Europe and Central Asia (ECECA) is characterized by high levels of high-risk drug use and by slow progress towards more effective health- and human
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Production, trafficking and consumption of illicit drugs in EECA region

The Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) region hosts major routes for trafficking Afghan opiates as well as newly emerging Afghan-produced ephedrine and amphetamine.
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Perception of drugs in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia: overhaul needed

Prejudices and fears have long surrounded drugs, not always agreeing with facts and reality – yet validated by drug prohibition.
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Drug laws and policies in four regions of Eurasia

Drug laws and their enforcement are too often focused on people who use drugs, rather than those who are engaged in other harmful criminal activity in the context of commercial drug trafficking.
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