Aims and objectives
The Eastern and Central European and Central Asian Commission on Drug Policy (ECECACD) has been established by a group of high-level leaders to inspire an open debate and promote evidence-based drug policy approaches across the region.
The ECECACD has three overarching objectives:
- Develop and disseminate evidence-based, high-level and authoritative recommendations for drug policy reform, informed by our research findings and partnerships. The Commission will compile available data and analysis in a series of background papers, will develop evidence-based policy recommendations, and will develop a Model Drug Law for the region.
- Mobilize public awareness and political commitment through engaging in high-level strategic outreach and advocacy. The ECECACD will examine ways to enhance the political prioritisation of drug issues and their impacts on the region. The Commission will undertake a campaign to raise awareness of the impact of punitive policies, including on governance, public health and the well-being of communities. The Commission will also seek to inform and advise political leaders and the general public on more effective and humane ways to tackle drug use and harms without resorting to criminalization and the mass incarceration of people who use drugs.
- Strengthen local and regional capacities and ownership. The ECECACD will seek to establish priority areas for action and identify “change agents” and priorities for support within the region. The Commission will also support existing networks and bring together new participants – including research institutes, universities, individuals and organisations from other sectors – to feed into this work. In all its actions, the ECECACD will promote regional ownership and engage with existing initiatives. The Commission will build on and support the valuable work of its regional and international partners, including national and local authorities, civil society organizations, universities, and the global, regional and country offices of key United Nations entities.
The creation of the ECECACD was inspired by the Global Commission on Drug Policy, it functions as an independent part of the Global Commission. The Regional Commission will work on specific regional issues and needs. In its work, ECECACD also builds on, and will collaborate with, another Regional Commission– the West Africa Commission on Drugs.
Partners and Donors